Saturday, 3 September 2011

Wheel Alignment toronto

Level auto prides itself in being Toronto’s most experienced shops for wheel Alignment. Technicians at level auto are dealer trained, knowing your car the best.

 First we use nothing but the best machine on the market. 3D imaging wheel alignment, LED lights on hoist provide an abundance of lighting so that our technicians can always see what they are doing. Pneumatic locking plates and the most up to date hoist and alignment software in Toronto, with world specs, current year software of all vehicles put us way above the competition.

Our technicians work in the most up to date facility. Setting us on a level with dealership quality, and giving our customers affordable pricing on any budget. Spacious waiting area, 200 gallon salt water aquarium, large screen LCD, providing our customers with a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Check us out

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Why use hub rings on Aluminum Aftermarket rims?

Hub rings are an essential part of any aftermarket rim installation. Along with proper tire installation,direction,balancing,different hardware for fastening the rims, hub ring are always necessary when the rims do not fit flush onto the vehicle hub.

I usually see a lot of rims installed incorrectly due to failure not to install these rings. Customers complain about vibration and sometimes noise issues when technician fall to install hub rings. When the vehicle reaches a  certain speed the centrifugal force usually moves the rim up and down creating a vibration.

So next time when installs your rims, make sure they use hub ring inserts to match up and exact fit to the hub.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Our Alignment machine vs The competition



These aligners use a variety of mechanical and electronic sensors mounted to the wheels. This equipment will most commonly be physically connected to a computer with hard wires. In some shops, they will take care of their equipment and can get good readings for a limited period when the equipment is new. However, the reality is that a majority of the shops will abuse and mishandle the equipment. The delicate sensors and electronics housed in the mechanisms mounted to the wheels will inevitable be dropped or mishandled. A simple trip over the cord can pull the devices from the wheel and drastically damage the readings from that sensor. If not repaired or calibrated, this sensor will always give improper readings. If a technician uses these readings, they will be adjusting your vehicle for the worse.
The main limitation of this equipment is that it can only measure data in 2 dimensions. Alignments may be done satisfactorily but isn’t exact.


Targets are mounted to all four wheels. These targets have a reflective side with a variety of images. Cameras are mounted on a fixed beam approximately 5 feet forward of the vehicle. These cameras take continuous pictures of the targets and use this data to obtain the various wheel angles required by the operator.

This camera can measure in 3D. At high frequency, the cameras use the images from the targets to calculate the castor, camber and toe. When you rotate the steering wheel (as is done in every wheel alignment procedure), the camera continues to take picture of the targets at different angles and positions.
Since there are no sensors or electronics in the targets, there are no wires connecting them to the computer avoiding any damage that can occur. With the advanced 3D imaging and real time data, this method of alignment is the most accurate method of aligning your vehicle.

Tire repair, the right way !

Did you know that most tires are repaired  incorrectly. The old way of just grabbing a plug and shoving it in are long gone. Today's proper way of repairing a tire has to be done with a patch plug.

The proper way to do a tire repair is to remove the tire off the rim, and patch it from the inside out. The rim is resealed and installed with a new tire valve. The rim is then balaced and installed and torqued on to the vehicle. A proper tire patch at Level Auto is always done this way.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

New or used tires?

Your tires are the only surface touching the ground, and it is very important to have good tires to ensure a safe ride for you and your passengers. A properly aligned and balanced tire will provide a safe and enjoyable ride.

Customers who purchase used tires have to replace them once per year.  For a little extra, they can purchase new tires that will last them 3x the life of used tires.  With repeated installation and balancing, the overall cost of buying these used tires are usually more expensive.

Another disadvantage is that used tires lack the ability to properly grip the road.  Customers who install used tires are repeatedly disappointed because their vehicle pulls, vibrates, and provides an overall uncomfortable driving experience. 

Used tires are collected at dealers and local garages by scrap tire companies. If the scrap tire collector believes that the tires collected have enough thread to resell, they will.  Unaware that the tires could have one or more of the following problems:
  • Improper wear due to alignment or inflation
  • Shifted tire belt 
  • Warped tires
  • Slow leak from tire
  • Sidewall damage 
  • Low tire thread (inadequate for road conditions)
Level Auto does not take a chance by using used tires on customer vehicles. By using quality new tires, we can offer a long lasting tire and a safer drive.

Whats the difference between bulk and bottled oil?

Do you know what oil you're really getting?

At Level Auto we only use the best oil for your vehicle ensuring longevity. Choosing bottled oil over bulk oil offers many implied benefits, including:
  • the specific oil recommended for your vehicle is used compared to an unknown oil from a tank
  • bottled oil is free from contaminants unlike bulk oil which susceptible to moisture and dirt
  • bottled oil prevents damage to sensitive cylinder head components compared to inserting a steel nozzle to fill oil
  • bottles are sealed with certification labels
  • all bottles are recycled, so they do not end up in the landfill.
We stand by our high level of service. We could easily purchase bulk oil like the competition and make a big profit, but these oils are usually recycled and could not provide the protection your engine and transmission requires. We stand by our products and only use OEM approved products.